This girl is Japanese. She has the longest hair ever

Hair is the key to a more expressive appearance of any woman or girl. The more beautiful a woman’s hair is, the more attractive she becomes. Every girl takes care of her hair with the best means every day. There is a legend that says that long hair has cosmic energy and that women who cut their long hair lose their power. There are girls who don’t cut their hair, or cut it but not enough, they braided their hair before marriage.

35-летняя японская Рапунцель Рин Камбе

Long hair makes a woman more independent, proud and even happy. Japanese dancer and model Rim Kamben has the longest hair in the country. She has dreamed of long hair since she was a child, but due to joining the sports team, she could not grow her hair long, so she only wore a short haircut. Growing up, he became interested in dancing and started growing his hair. He did not cut his hair for 15 years and grew it to a record length.

35-летняя японская Рапунцель Рин Камбе

According to Rin, in the beginning it was very difficult to take care of hair of such length, but it was her dream and all difficulties were temporary for her. In addition to dancing, she is also a model, her long hair helps stylists to get various unusual pictures.

35-летняя японская Рапунцель Рин Камбе

She combs and braids her favorite hair in her daily life. He received many offers to cut and sell his hair, but he did not accept their offers. She loves and is proud of her hair. Often meeting her on the street, people ask her if it is natural or not. It is very beautiful and a feeling to have such long hair, because as we already mentioned at the beginning, hair is considered a part of a woman’s beauty. It  makes a  woman  to  feel  self  confident  and  more  famine.

35-летняя японская Рапунцель Рин Камбе

The  long  hair  can  be  the  key  of any  woman   attraction. Since  the  ancient  times  women  used  to  take  care  of  their  hair. That  is  why  many  of  us  prefer to  have  long  hair  instead  of  short.  So dear women, love your hair, take care of it and style it.

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