I could have studied for a degree without the popcorn. No of your age, if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it. It is never too late to pursue and achieve your goals. It is incredibly satisfying to overcome obstacles in order to realize a desire, and it also serves as motivation and an example for other people. There are many such tales, but the compelling case of Samuel Cardoso Brito is the one we want to discuss today. Samuel is a 52-year-old street vendor from Paraná, Brazil, who just received his degree from the university. The man operated a profession by trading chips and popcorn in a kind of cart. I could not be more pleased with his success. So much so that he chose to post this achievement on social media, and users were immediately moved.
Samuel reportedly had a bad childhood because he quit school at an early age to focus on his career, according to the Metropolis media. Samuel had to work because his family made a modest wage and needed the money for his home. In addition, while being far from a school, Cardoso discovered an enigmatic passion for reading. By the time Samuel was fifteen, he was usually carrying a book, comic, or narrative. He was working in a mine at the time and began reading during his breaks. And so he carried on with his life, working and reading without considering pursuing a college degree.
Yet, after being turned down for a job at age 40, the decision to do so was made. Cardoso met every condition of the profile with the exception of studies because he didn’t finish high school. He subsequently relocated to a remote place, where everything was less expensive, and started taking classes again. There, Samuel also developed a taste for English, which led him to start looking into degrees. Finally, he discovered it, and he exerted all of his effort to enter, endure, and pass. The sale of popcorn at events and on the streets made this possible. Samuel eventually completed a course through the Virtual Education Network at the University of Uberaba after a number of years.
The man still wants to continue studying and has plans to pursue a postgraduate degree, so the narrative does not end there. He considers education to be the key to success, thus even though he is 52 years old, he does not regard age as a barrier to continuing his studies.