The man who collected coins for 45 years took it to the bank with a truck and counted how much money he managed to collect during this time.

In the early 70s, Ota Anders took up an unusual hobby: he began to collect coins in denominations of only 1 penny. For 45 years, the man did not miss a day and put all the coins in huge cans. Finally, Ota himself became interested in how much he managed to save. The man went to the bank and asked to count all the money he had collected. Andres left change after shopping in the store, occasionally looking for lost coins on the sidewalk and in other similar places.

 The man called his hobby a kind of gratitude for all the good little things that he received in life. Anders refused to spend coins. He simply put them first in one large can, then in the second and third. The man had to take a whole basement under the warehouse. Finally, Anders nevertheless decided to find out how much money he managed to save up.

 The man hired a car and took all the cans to the bank. The cashiers were surprised, but turned on the counting machine and poured coins into it. It turned out that in total Anders collected more than 500,000 coins with a total weight of 1,270 kilograms. The amount was not so great only 5,136 dollars. Anders is happy about this too, the man plans to spend what he has accumulated on a long-deserved rest:

 True, now Anders will have to find a new hobby. He is no longer interested in collecting pennies.



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