It turns out that whales are not indifferent to music. It is possible to blow them out of the water by playing

Music is one of the most beautiful and sophisticated forms of art. Since ancient times, people have been able to hear and listen to music. After all, music is not only the sounds produced by musical instruments, but also natural sounds. The rustling of leaves, the splashing of waves, the singing of birds, all this is the music of nature, which one must be able to listen to. Not only humans can enjoy music, but animals too. There are many cases when dogs, cats or parrots sang along with their master. Music is a universal language of communication, with the help of which, whether it be an animal or a person, everyone will find mutual understanding.

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A young violinist decided to play the violin while traveling by sea. She was very inspired by the beautiful seascapes and began to play. With the first sounds of music, whales emerged from the water and began to listen in fascination. It was unusual and beautiful. The girl did not expect such an audience. The whales seemed to be listening to the sounds of the violin and enjoying the melody. During communication with each other whales use high frequency sounds. Perhaps they found something familiar to them in the sound of the violin. The girl performed a romantic serenade, and a flock of whales swam around her boat. They topped into the water, then surfaced again. The whales listened to the end, and only when the violinist stopped playing they swam back to the sea.

It turns out that whales are very musical animals. They use vocalization to communicate. Marine animals are much more dependent on sound than land mammals, since in water the other senses do not provide the same efficiency. And the speed of sound in the water, on the contrary, is much higher than on the shore, that is why whales have such a developed ear for music. Moreover, scientists have proven that whales sing the same songs for centuries and pass them on from generation to generation. The songs of whales have rhythmic repeated melody which is used to attract the attention of a female. The humpback whale is considered a particularly singing species.


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