It would seem that what else can be surprised at the show America is looking for talents. What kind of performances were not shown there. And songs and dances and tricks the audience has seen everything. With their dance number, they broke all the laws of gravity. In the summer of 2021, while listening to the 16th season of America’s Got Talent, one of the most amazing performances took place: the Russians Pavel and Alena blew the American public on the spot, performing a very unusual, simply incredible dance. As a result, his number has become one of the best and most amazing in the history of the program. In any case, American users think so. Judges don’t expect anything out of the ordinary. They thought that it would be another dance number and sat with bored faces.
At first, almost nothing was surprising: Pavel entered the stage in an embrace with a woman. Although their faces looked a little unnatural, everyone thought it was special make-up. Nobody was surprised by what happened. When Pavel and his partner started dancing, it was more like an acrobat show. They performed unrealistic stunts and movements that defy all laws of physics. But what happened at the end of the number completely left everyone present speechless: with a deft movement, Pavel threw away the just moving dancers. It turned out that these were just puppets, and during the whole performance, Pavel skillfully controlled them. The jury members were amazed and delighted at the same time.
They could not understand in any way how it was possible to professionally manage mannequins, so that their movements were no different from living people. Pavel is a true artist. He came to this result through long training. This number is truly a masterpiece. It scored the largest number of views and won the love and knowledge of millions of viewers. Pavel has a whole army of fans. It was not by chance that Pavel began to engage in dance art. He has a musical background. In Russia he graduated from the Perm State Choreographic School and later studied in Moscow at the Moiseev Dance Academy until he moved to the USA in 1992.