There is an amazing park in Taiwan, where giant water lilies grow.
Many tourists visit the park every year to look at this miracle of nature.
This type of lily is the hugest water lily in the world. Its leaves are so huge that a person can fit on them.
The leaves can support more weight due to the branching structure of the leaf.
Victorya Regia is world famous for its extraordinarily large leaves, but its flowers are also admirable. Lily blooms are rare.
The water beauty blooms only once a year and blooms for two to three days.
The flowers have a strong aroma and only float to the water at night. The flowers of the giant lily are also unusually large.
They have amazing properties to change color. On the first day, lily flowers are white, then turn pink,
and at the end of flowering they acquire a purple hue.
Today, Victorya Amazonia is one of the most popular greenhouse plants.
The Taiwanese park hosts an annual festival dedicated to the lily, during which everybody can take pictures on huge leaves.
In order to not damage the flattery, a plastic pallet is placed on them, on which a person can fit.
This beautiful plant has inspired many artists and writers. The water lily is incredibly beautiful.
Scientists say without a doubt that the leaves of Victorya Amazonia are a real miracle of natural engineering.
Not surprisingly, the leaf’s vascular system (which is visible on its underside) was the inspiration for the Crystal Palace in London.
The Amazonian water lily is recognized as one of the most beautiful aquatic plants. It is rightfully considered an adornment of the best greenhouses on the planet.