Black bridal dresses are also trendy today. We present you photos

We are all used to the fact that the bride’s dress should be white. Humans are stereotyped by nature.

After all, there is no such law that a wedding dress should be exactly white.

Russian singer Lyubov Sidorkina took a very bold step and decided to wear a black dress to the wedding.

A wedding is a solemn celebration, which is surrounded by various objects and rituals.

Любовь Сидоркина и Игорь Оськин | Свадьба

The traditional symbol of any wedding is the white dress of the bride. However, modern fashion trends tend to be new and original, and white is no longer necessary.

A black dress can be just as luxurious and memorable.

The special symbolism of this color turns the wedding ceremony into a challenge to society and emphasizes the bold views and taste of the bride.

This is exactly what Lyubov Sidorkina is. Her wedding was discussed for a long time on all forums and news channels.

Любовь Сидоркина и Игорь Оськин | Свадьба
A black wedding dress is still chosen by a few brides. The first time a black wedding dress appeared on a girl who was getting married for the third time.

Baroness Cassandra Accurti, the owner of a fashion house in Paris, came up with an unusual attire.

But still, interest in black has grown significantly after the wedding of actress Jessica Parker and a fashion show from designer Vera Wang.

Black shows reincarnation and mystery, the necessary change.


Modern fashion is very tolerant. It peers with interest at new stylistic discoveries and often adopts

them even in those areas where the traditional approach until recently seemed unshakable.

Similarly, black wedding dresses, which at first were perceived as a challenge to public opinion, gradually cease to be considered something extraordinary.

Свадьба популярных блогеров: состоялась свадьба Любови Сидоркиной и Игоря Оськина | Wedding Magazine | Яндекс Дзен
It used to be that the external attributes of the marriage ceremony had to be maintained in the smallest detail.

Today, young people are allowed to decorate their holiday the way they want it, and choose outfits that correspond to their ideas of beauty.

Moreover, even parents and guests are encouraged to correlate their appearance with the general style of the event.

Свадьба Игоря Оськина и Любови Сидоркиной - YouTube
It is no coincidence that black color is so common in evening dresses.

It has so much strict nobility, hidden passion and grace that it is not surprising that it fits into the bride’s dress.

In general, the design features of the styles of black dresses are largely the same as white ones.


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