The townspeople chased after the village rooster that woke them up in the morning. And that’s what the judge decided

People often do things that have no logic. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to understand them. It is all the fault of different thinking and the specifics of the living environment.

 C.Fesseau atsisakė vykdyti policijos nurodymą atsikratyti gaidžio, ir jai buvo iškelta byla.<br> AFP/Scanpix nuotr.

Not only people from different countries have different mentalities, even inside the country, residents of different cities think differently, they have different traditions and stereotypes. The city people are not used to the countryside, they do not know what the villagers do. And everything that happens there is also strange and incomprehensible for them.

Recently, there has often been a shift of the urban population to the countryside, and the rural population to the city. Rural people mostly leave for the city either for education or for work. But the city people come to the village out of boredom, just to relax away from the city noise and change the atmosphere.

So an elderly couple in France decided to buy a dacha in the countryside to spend their old age in nature, among chickens and geese. They expected the village to be a quiet place surrounded by gardens and orchards.

 B.Filipowska pasakojo, kad gaidys prie jos prisirišo tarsi šuniukas ir visur sekioja iš paskos.

But they did not expect that every morning they would wake up from the crowing of a rooster. The spouses became so u  pset by this that they went to their neighbor and asked him to get rid of the ro oster. The stump neighbor was surprised at their request, but did not do anything with the rooster.

Then the couple went further they su  ed the roo ster that he wakes them up in the morning and acts on the ne  rvous system. Local residents, as well as judges, were very surprised by such a lawsuit. The trial lasted almost two years and ended in favor of the rooster. The couple had to pay a fine to the owner of the rooster. This is the second case in France when the residents of the cottages are suing the animals living nearby. For the first time, a married couple sued the frogs, who prevented them from resting with their croaking. The rooster case received wide publicity. Defenders of the rooster have even appeared on social networks.

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