British grandmother conquered the talent show

Meet Jenny Darren, she is 68 years old and already a grandmother. But not just a grandmother, but singing, and not opera and romances, but downhole rock. She has been addicted to this music since the age of 12, she especially loved Robert Plant and Jimmy Page all her life.

BGT's Jenny Darren liked vile homophobic and racist videos on her YouTube  account | The Irish Sun

At the age of 20, the singer fell ill with the work of the Australian group AC \ DC, she went to all their concerts and even sang as their opening act. During her turbulent youth, she released about a dozen albums, some of which she recorded in collaboration with Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain.

SHOCK CONTENT! A 68-year-old woman shocks everyone with her rock  performance - BlogNews

But recently, she realized that at 68 years old, life is just beginning and came to the show “Britain’s Got Talent”, where she performed the hit AC / DC. She never got tired of it!


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