The Brazilian woman spent three decades of her life working to preserve the species, and now her efforts are paying off. There are millions of different plant and animal species on Earth, some of which have just been found. As we can see, there is a significant biodiversity; yet, due to extinction, this number has decreased. One of the many creatures currently facing extinction is the hyacinth macaw, sometimes known as the blue macaw. But things have changed for this winged mammal because to the work of a Brazilian researcher named Neiva Guedes.
starting point. Neiva embarked on a bird-watching tour more than 30 years ago without realizing that it would forever alter the course of her life and the lives of everyone on her team. After observing numerous birds in 1989, a Brazilian scientist and her team realized that blue macaw populations were declining and made the decision to take action. Neiva was persuaded that people should be able to see the species in its native habitat, thus she wanted to stop it from going extinct completely. Her life now had a new direction as she took up the cause of the macaw’s preservation. The Hyacinth Macaw Project was established in this manner.
Ella Neiva has now committed her life to preserving the hyacinth macaw in the Great Pantanal. the conflict Even though they have made tremendous progress since 1989, Nieva and her team are still working to protect the species. She established the Arara Azul Institute and created a method for placing man-made nests in the wild so that macaws may procreate. She must continually inspect the nests to make sure everything is running smoothly, making the work challenging. Neiva overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and as a result of her efforts, she was inducted into the UN Girls and Women Scientists Hall of Fame. the species’ importance.
The Pantanal habitat is very important to the blue macaw, scientific name Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus. This type of bird, like many others, contributes to the creation of new plants and trees by spreading the seeds of its diet. Since many of the seeds that the macaw scatters can germinate and serve as homes for other species in addition to being a part of the food chain, the ecosystem’s equilibrium is preserved. the lovely blue macaw. The macaw can reach a length of up to one meter, from beak to tip of tail. Its brilliant blue color with yellow stripes and approximate weight of a kilo and a half make it simple to recognize. Its powerful, curved beak is used to “rip” fruits and crack the shells of seeds. It is a very sociable and inquisitive bird with a lifespan of up to 40 years. We have a great desire to capture it and keep it as a pet or for other aesthetic reasons because of its magnificent plumage.