House without utilities. see what its interior design looks like

This house is not only assembled in 15 days and fully provides itself with life resources – it is able to generate 3 times more energy than it spends on its own! Employees of the Madrid Institute of Progressive Architecture came up with and built this house themselves.

He is completely self-sufficient. Its roof is made of flexible solar cells to use the energy of our daylight. Moreover, photovoltaic panels provide three times more energy than the house is able to “digest”. The building is wooden (boards, timber, plywood and other environmentally friendly materials).

Ergonomic shape, many windows allow for good natural light and ventilation in the house. Plus tanks for collecting rainwater with runoff from the roof.

A small outer surface of a rounded shape made it possible to create a maximum internal volume. In addition, three “legs” -supports made it possible to create a shelter from the sun under the house, where it is quite possible to relax, enjoying the fresh air.

The resources of this house are enough to accommodate 4 people, with an area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 75 square meters. meters. True, the question of the cost of building such a house remains open.

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