A street cat invited a family on a walk and won the family over.

This baby’s name is Pino. Fate wanted him to be born and grow up on the street – but Pino himself, for some reason, did not like this fate. And then Pino decided to take the arrangement of his own life into his own hands … that is, into his paws. And soon the right opportunity presented itself.

The Nienabers, John and Leslie were doing their daily morning exercise with their Basset Hound dog. And then a very self-confident kitten ran up to them, and walked with them in a disciplined manner towards their house. To say that John and Leslie were surprised would be an understatement. And they decided to help him find his home.

They already had three cats living with them, and this one that was with them on a walk, a Basset Hound bumpkin. But Leslie had a sister, Sarah, who, after negotiations, happily agreed to take Pino into her upbringing. So it often happens that we do not choose cats. These cats choose us!

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