Why does Japan represent the future? A tiny bit about Japanese development

It’s no secret that the Japanese have long been one step ahead of the rest of the world in the development of technology. They were able to achieve such progress that it is difficult for a modern person to believe in the existence of such advanced technologies. We’ve put together a selection of unique photos showing how far progress has come in Japan.

1. In this country, saving natural resources is approached with all responsibility. So, the water that is used to wash hands in the bathrooms is subsequently used to flush the toilets. The idea is quite simple, but, no doubt, ingenious.

2. An unusual idea for an outdoor toilet: when you are inside, no one will see you. And outside the booth is not so easy to notice! It seems that not everyone will dare to go into such a toilet.

3. Children are taken care of here: so that the child can choose the right product, he is given a small basket, and the product is laid out on low shelves.

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