You should definitely get to know Pickles. This cat now reaches 91 centimeters in body length and weighs 9.5 kilograms. Because of its huge size, Andrew and Emily named it Catosaurus Rex. At that time, more than fifty residents of Boston were interested in this huge cat.
Volunteers thought for a long time who it would suit best and decided that it would be Andrew and Emily. Until the moment when the cat got to the shelter, he wandered the streets and ate what he had to.
As soon as the young couple noticed the giant on the Internet, they immediately went to the shelter. Now, for a month now, the cat has been living with a loving family. On the sofa, he has a lot of space specially allotted, as for a person. Andrew said that at first impression this powerful cat looked like a healthy animal. As soon as they saw him live, they immediately decided to adopt.
Not only Pickles has a cool size, but also his temper. Therefore, he did not get along in the Canadian family, where there were other pets and he was returned. It turned out that the cat does not notice its enormous size and therefore sweeps away everything in its path. He thinks he looks like a little fluffy. When friends come to a young couple, they admire the size of the cat.