As anyone who has been a high school student knows, when the principal is talking, it’s better to be doing something else. Students at Whitmer High School in Toledo, Ohio, were well aware of this sentiment when their principal spoke to them before the homecoming game. These youngsters were stunned when one of the teachers interrupted the director in the middle of his speech and suggested that he take a seat. Bruno Mars won big at the Grammys this year.
His song “Uptown Funk” could be heard everywhere and his iconic phrase “Don’t believe me, just watch” became an internet meme. But for the teachers at Whitmer High, it was the signal to interrupt the speech with their flash mob. It started with just a few teachers moving to the famously catchy pop song, while students laughed and applauded at the surprise performance. But that was only the beginning of the surprise. As the song continued to play, other teachers joined the show.
Soon, the Welcome court, the school resource officers, and even the two furry mascots joined in too! Most kids these days are too young to remember “Soul Train,” memorable for many reasons, but most importantly. all because of the dance from which the show took its name. Sponsored LinkA teacher, dressed in athletic gear and a backwards hat, surprised students by doing “the worm,” a dance in which one cleverly jumps up and down to music. By the end of the song, the gym floor was full of dancers.