The grandson decided to fulfill the long-standing dreams of his 85-year-old grandmother. They travel the world

It is very rare to get to know these kinds of stories, since we are used to seeing how our lives go by and when we reach certain ages we forget to live, we forget our dreams and we see as something impossible to achieve them. The story of this grandmother went around the world for. Joy is a woman who spent her life at home, she was always curious but never traveled. Two of her children left early as did her husband. She spent the last 20 years at home, until she was joined by her grandson Brad and together they have traveled mountains, highways, seen the ocean and continue to rack up the miles and travel adventures.

Joy started traveling when she was 85, she always wanted to, but resources stopped her. It all started when her grandson told her the stories that she had lived crossing the Appalachian Trail, then she confessed that she did not know the sea or the mountains. Moved by his grandmother’s confession, Brad decided that he would fulfill his dream and there began their adventure that would take them on a wonderful journey that has lasted for more than 6 years. «My grandmother was 85 years old, she lived completely alone in her house, in that little old house where my brothers and I grew up.

She had to go through many things, very sad moments and I feel that life is using me as instruments so that she can leave in peace and happy to have fulfilled her dream of traveling and seeing the world. He worked until he was 80 years old, earning a minimum wage that was barely enough to live with dignity, so there was not much money to undertake our adventure. “After that first trip in 2015 Brad decided to open a page to raise funds and be able to to make his grandmother’s dream come true, to his great surprise hundreds of people were moved by this story and in a few months he had enough money to start their adventure together. Since that trip, they have visited even more․

 They continue to travel continuously and share their adventures with other people to inspire them to travel. Joy, at 91 years old, enjoys life more than ever, because she feels that she has been given a second chance to admire the world. «This trip has been a unique experience for both of us, my grandmother lives each day knowing that this may be the first and last time she visits these places, she takes her time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and without a doubt this has changed my life. drastically”. Travels give us a new perspective, fill us with experiences and above all allow us to discover who we are. As of 2021, the 91-year-old young man and grandmother had already visited 53 of the 63 national parks in the United States. He only has 10 to go and they hope to get closer to that goal.

Brad has become a faun veterinarian, he has documented the adventure with his grandmother through social networks, where he shares incredible photos where both of them and Joy are seen happy full of vitality. Brad confesses that the trip with Joy has brought them very close and has taught him many things like being patient and enjoying life at a slower, but more interesting pace. The young man has created wonderful memories with his grandmother and that comforts him because he knows that when she is gone, he will return to the places they have visited together and will be able to connect with her and feel her presence. Do not forget to share this publication and leave us your comment about this grandmother who is undoubtedly adding years to her life and especially for that grandson who made the decision to think of his grandmother and help her fulfill her dream before leaving.

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