Few people read books these days. Computers and phones provide the opportunity to read books, besides, many people prefer to be satisfied with only text books. Many people do not even like to read and instead spend their time on other activities. Books included in school programs are sometimes not of interest to many schoolchildren and they tend to read what is close to their heart or interesting to them. No matter how modern literature develops, there are still books at the world level, which are irreplaceable and are always read with one breath and curiosity We present to your attention several lists of books that are read even in adulthood and will be perceived in a completely different way and can reveal many new truths. One of them is
1. I.S. Turgenev’s work “Fathers and Sons”, which describes the relationship between fathers and sons.
However, here everything is as simple as it seems.
2.Master and Margarita” M.A. Bulgakov
Here, three amazing stories, closely related and skillfully interwoven, unfold in front of the reader parallel to each other. Each of them is about different things, but in all cases it is something so deep and so penetrating.
3.”Eugene Onegin” A.S. Pushkin
A great novel in verse written by the luminary of Russian literature, Pushkin. In the center is the love story of Tatiana and Onegin, sensual in its own way. However, apart from this, there are many interesting things that you will understand after reading
4.The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
However, this fairy tale is not really for children at all. It contains many simple yet important truths. You should definitely re-read it.IT is children’s favorite book all the times.
5.The Portrait of Dorian Gray” O. Wilde
Who would not dream that his portrait will become old instead of a person? But is it really as good as it sounds?
6.”The old man and the sea”. Hemingway
In the center of the story is the old man Santiago, a fisherman.
“Karamazov brothers” M.F. Dostoevsky
It is one of the last and famous works written by Dostoevsky, which summarizes the entire life experience of the writer. The novel touches on the eternal themes of morality, freedom and God.