A 68-year-old Syrian man has worn only yellow clothes for 35 years. Here’s why

The Syrian Abu Zakur always has a yellow mood color. The man has been wearing only yellow clothes and accessories for more than thirty years.

Everyone has a favorite color, but a 68-year-old man from Aleppo has surpassed everyone in his love of yellow.

The story of an unusual fashionista began years ago, when he once and for all decided to wear only yellow.

68-летний сириец уже 35 лет носит только желтую одежду

This is the color of men. It is not known what happened to his old clothes, but since then, Abu has only worn clothes in a sunny shade.

Accessories and shoes Abu also chooses only yellow ones. And if he can’t find the right thing in his favorite color, he always has a bottle of yellow nail polish or paint.

Цвет настроения — желтый: сириец уже 35 лет надевает одежду только одного оттенка

What does the yellow color mean? Solar energy fills the yellow color. This is manifested in the features, symbolism, originality of perception of the color range of honey,

fawn, saffron, sand, straw, corn, amber tones. The yellow color is reflected in the formation of the character of people who love it.

Different cultures invest their meaning in the golden color spectrum.

68-летний сириец уже 35 лет носит только желтую одежду

For Europeans, Canadians and Americans, it is associated with fun, spontaneity, simplicity. At the same time, the color represents jealousy, envy, greed.

In the US, it also means cowardice. In Asian countries, it means inspiration, bliss, harmony, glory.

68-летний сириец уже 35 лет носит только желтую одежду
Who knows, maybe the Syrian with the help of yellow is trying to enjoy life. Most of the things in his little apartment in Marie are also yellow.

The man surrounded himself with his favorite color everywhere․

Цвет настроения — желтый: сириец уже 35 лет надевает одежду только одного оттенка


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