12-year-old girl is already making millions on makeup – and bought herself a brand new BMW

Тhe most popular profession of the 21st century is the stylist-make-up artist. Experts in their field and professionals earn big money.

This profession is in great demand not only in the world of fashion and show-business, but also on the Internet.

Not one photo shoot on Instagram is complete without the work of stylists and make-up masters. The youngest make-up master is only 13 years old.

This is a Thai girl Natanan, who has already become a famous person in the fashion world. It all started when she was seven years old.

Natanan was very fond of drawing. At first, she drew girls in different fashionable dresses and did their make-up.

The mother noticed that her little girl was a very creative child and invited her to draw on her face, as she does on paper. Taking cosmetics in her hands, the girl made her mother a beautiful make-up.

After that, the mother decided to buy professional cosmetics and brushes for her daughter, and the girl began to do make-up for all her relatives and friends.

Already at the age of eight, Natanan graduated from the courses of a professional makeup master. The girl worked at home and posted her work on her page on social networks.

She has a lot of fans and followers. When she was ten years old, Natanan decided to write a book about the secrets of beauty and makeup.

The book became very popular and almost the whole world knew about the girl. She began to be invited by various European fashion houses for cooperation.

At the age of twelve, the girl is already a professional make-up master. She works with various advertising companies.

Not one fashion show is complete without her participation. Natanan is a really talented girl. At such a young age, she provides for herself and her family.

For her birthday, she bought herself a new car with her own money. Natanan is not going to stop there, she wants to continue to develop and master new skills in her profession.

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