China has built the longest sea bridge on the planet – Kerch never dreamed of it!

In China in 2009 the construction of a project was launched which was called an architectural miracle. This is a fifty-five-kilometer bridge connecting three major cities in China. The building of the bridge lasted until 2021 and ended very successfully. Today China is a country of large metropolitan areas, the population of which is growing daily. Along with the growth of the population, the need for new communication systems increases.

This project is not the only one of its kind, in China there are many bridges built on the water but this building has become the longest not only in China, but throughout the world. The bridge passes through the sea. For its construction two artificial islands had to be built. Also part of the bridge passes under water in the form of a tunnel with a length of seven kilometers. For the construction of such a large-scale structure, the government spent 22 milliard dollars.

However, the costs were justified. Only buses and official vehicles pass over the bridge. Pedestrians are not allowed to enter the bridge. Construction was carried out strictly according to the regulations For the construction were chosen such materials that do not harm the marine flora and fauna.

The bridge is designed so as not to interfere with passing ships. Security has been carefully considered. The entire bridge is made of steel to withstand natural phenomena. And for greater strength, artificial connecting islands are made.

In addition to the Chinese bridge, there are other bridges in the world that pass through the sea, but not of such a length. China is developing at a very fast pace. To serve such a number of machines, alternative communication routes are needed. Bridges connecting cities by sea have become the most suitable solution. Among other things, the bridge is of value from an aesthetic and design point of view. This design is unique in every way.


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