A homeless man skillfully plays the piano on the street

On relatively warm days “romantics from the high road” take to the streets of cities but not robbers at all, but very creative personalities.

Street musicians, amateurs and pros, sing and play in the name of art and, of course, earnings.

Alone, together, in a motley crowd, these people bring music to the city. And without live music the city is not so atmospheric.

Street culture is still an underground culture, and its philosophy is that a musician does not look for a producer,

works exclusively for himself, does what he likes, and realizes his projects only through his own forces and resources.

Бездомный ошеломляет прохожих игрой на уличном фортепиано

A homeless fifty-year-old musician walks up to the piano every day and plays wonders. His music touches the depths of the soul.

Nobody can get past. The public is more often interested not even in music, but in the system of thinking.

When a person running somewhere suddenly sees another person who lives completely differently and is

happy at the same time, something changes in the passer-by. He stops and starts asking questions.

It turns out the homeless man’s name is Donald Gould. And he’s not a musician at all. In his youth, he served in the Navy,

where he learned to play the piano.

Then his life did not work out and he became homeless. However, the man is very talented.

Бездомный подошел к фортепиано… и началось волшебство! - YouTube

His playing is not primitive, he plays complex works and puts his soul into them. His music catches, makes you stop and listen forgetting everything.

The homeless man became famous thanks to the newspapers, in which journalists wrote a lot about him.

People decided to help the man to start a new life. They organized a relief fund and want to buy him a house and a piano with the collected money.

After all, such a talented musician should not be lost.

Many passers-by admit that they will miss the beautiful and soulful melodies of a homeless man if he will decide not to perform on the street anymore.

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