In total, there are at least 10,000 species of birds on our planet. And of course they are all very different. However, it is easy to single out a few of the most beautiful birds that I can win the heart of any aesthete. Anyone can enjoy their photo right now.
secretary bird
Malaysian eared frogmouth with baby
long-tailed tit
blue sialia
Fan-bearing crowned pigeon (Victoria crowned pigeon)
azure bird
maned dove
curly dove
South American harpy
South Philippine pygmy kingfisher
Tiger Astrild
Dracula parrot (eagle parrot)
whiskered tit
sword-billed hummingbird
Inca Tern
Guinea fowl (guinea bird)
golden pheasant
mandarin duck
Thick-billed azure magpie
Red-headed long-tailed tit
crested duck
flat-billed andigena
Red-cheeked coquette