In 2013, trouble happened in the Rodriguez family – my mother died. Only her eldest daughter, Samantha, remembered her well enough. The other five sisters and brothers were still too young. Together with her dad, the girl struggled to do everything to make the kids feel comfortable and not need anything. However, soon the Rodriguez family suffered a new grief – the father suddenly fell seriously ill. Samantha dropped out of school to look after him.
Now the Rodriguez family was going through a very bad period. When the father, like their mother, died, the five minors were to be taken to a local orphanage. However, Samantha could not allow this, because they were her only living relatives. With the help of the advice of an old grandmother, the girl began to raise her younger sisters and brothers.
The family received an official allowance, and Samantha soon got a job as a waitress. The financial situation in the family was extremely difficult, but gradually everything improved. The girl was able to finally finish school, and then successfully go to college. Her older sisters helped her around the house.