A woman “over 50” came to have her hair touched up, and the hairdresser decided to completely change her image

What woman wants to have beautiful lush hair? Unfortunately, nature does not meet the conditions for everyone. That is why the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are ready to use any available immigration, to improve their appearance and increase the splendor of their hair.

A client who came to the hairdresser to dye her natural hair, the master offered to slightly transform her hair. He did the coloring, choosing the currently fashionable “ash blond” tone. The main advantage of this shade for women “over 50” is reliable masking of gray hair. Shoulder-length hair was limited to a bob. Hairdryer and broom styling can easily be done at home by yourself. A little light negligence – and a very rejuvenated woman, satisfied with her appearance, is ready to take on the world.

Zhenshchina “za 50” prishla podkrasit’ volosy, a parikmakher reshil polnost’yu izmenit’ svoy obraz. Kakoy zhenshchine khochetsya imet’ krasivuyu pyshnuyu shevelyuru? K sozhaleniyu, priroda ne vsekh udovletvoryayet usloviyam. Vot pochemu predstavitel’nitsy prekrasnoy poloviny chelovechestva gotovy ispol’zo- vat’ lyubuyu dostupnuyu immigratsiyu, uluchshit’ svoy vneshniy vid i uvelichit’ pyshnost’ prichoski.

Kliyentke, kotoraya prishla v parikmakherskuyu pokrasit’ natural’nyye Volosy, master pre dl ozhil chut’- chut’ preobrazit’ prichosku. On sdelal okrashivaniye, vybrav modnyy seychas your “blond pepel’nyy”.

Glavnoye preimushchestvo etogo ottenka dlya zhenshchin “za 50” – nadezhnaya maskirovka sedy kh volos. Volosy dlinnogo do plechevogo byli ogranicheny pod “bob kare”. Ukladka, vypolnennaya pri pomoshchi fena i shotki, legko mozhet byt’ vypolnena doma samostoyatel’no. Chutochku logkoy nebrezhnosti – i sil’no pomolodevshaya, dovol’naya svoyey vneshnost’yu zhenshchina, gotova pokoryat’ mir.

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