Young street sweeper celebrates his victory with his grandmother after graduating.

Without a question, big things are capable of being accomplished with enough time and effort. For instance, because it is difficult for everyone to enroll in school, education is one of the benefits that few people have. It is crucial to note that each country is unique, and access to education is not necessarily the same everywhere. While some countries allow students to continue their education through college for free, other nations only allow them to do so under harsh conditions. Feliciano Abarca was a young man who desperately wanted to advance, but he was unable to accomplish so because of various challenges.

When he was a little child, he has learned how to obtain things by making a variety of attempts. With a broom and a bag in hand, the young man sweeps the streets of his neighborhood as part of his job at the mayor’s office in Ilobasco Municipal. The local media reported about Abarca, who was able to complete his bachelor’s degree thanks to his ability to seize life’s opportunities. What better way to celebrate than to do so with the person who has given him the most support? His grandma has served as his mother figure and has been at his side through every stage of life. Because of this, he displays his diploma with great pride and, despite the criticism he received for his circumstances, he has never felt less.

“Overcoming hurdles is what defines success in life, not the accomplishments you make! The only thing I have to do is express my gratitude to everyone who supports me, Feliciano wrote. His employment was not a barrier to his ability to study; rather, it adds to the list of all the things he can accomplish if he puts his mind to it. Also, it will serve as an inspiration for many young people in El Salvador to follow their aspirations.

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