The black bear brought the cubs to translate the road. She planned to cross quickly, but everything turned out to be not so simple: four bear cubs took turns returning to the other side and the drivers had to stop all traffic. People filmed on camera how a bear runs after cubs, and they stubbornly return.
At first everything went according to plan. The bear took one cub, the second ran after her himself. But the other two did not go anywhere and the she-bear had to return. One of the rest even climbed a roadside tree.
And while the she-bear dealt with him, those who crossed the road with her from the beginning came. Everything that happened reminded the drivers of the mystery of the wolf, goat and cabbage – only bears in all roles.
The situation got on the drivers’ DVRs, and then the video went famous. Still, it’s not every day you see a picture like this: Bears in Connecticut often come out to people. Locals already know how to behave when meeting with a wild animal.