Her family is very proud of her for this great achievement. They say that it is never too late to learn and we can easily verify this because something new is learned every day. No matter how small, knowledge is always valuable in any measure; and while this can come from anywhere, schools are sanctuaries of learning. In fact, education is a universal human right, so everyone should be able to attend school.
Irma Gloria Esquivel is an 84-year-old woman who has just graduated from the Centro Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario (CBTA) No. 74 in Cadereyta Jiménez, Nuevo León, Mexico. The woman saw no impediment in her age to achieve one of her goals and thanks to this perseverance. «Congratulations to Mrs.
Irma Gloria, because at 84 years old she finished high school. Irma, for being an example for everyone,” Leal wrote. Accompanied by her family, friends and her colleagues, Irma celebrated the end of this academic stage. With a huge smile on her face, she received her diploma from the mayor and proudly posed for photos of her. The president’s publication soon became famous and users also congratulated Irma and recognized her as an example to follow and an inspiration to all.
And it is that studying requires not only mental effort but also physical, economic and time.She recognized the merit of her grandmother through a publication on her personal Facebook account. She shared some photos that she accompanied with a cute description: