A man helped a girl who could not play on the street to learn piano. The girl started playing like a pro

The number of talented children in the whole world is increasing day by day, children with different talents never cease to attract and surprise and of course capture the hearts of many, many people. In one of the shopping centers in France, there is a piano that can be used by anyone who wants to play. Usually those who want to perform an amateur performance or children who just play are in front of the piano. One ordinary day, a 13-year-old girl approached the piano and started playing. It was clear that she did not know the notes, she was just playing by ear. Suddenly, a middle-aged man, who was called maestro by the gathered people, approached the piano. He offered the girl some lessons, and the girl gladly accepted the offer and agreed. The maestro taught her some jazz chords and immediately realized that the girl was quite talented and quickly learned the tune and started playing.

Star talent found at the mall when teen plays piano – Madly Odd!

Everyone around was fascinated by the immediate talent of the girl. And the maestro was simply delighted and thought that the little girl has a great future if he tries to help her and conduct more classes. Jazz is all about improvisation and it’s quite difficult to play at her age, but after a couple of lessons the girl was already playing the piano professionally. And the audience was quite satisfied with the girl’s performances. This is how ,she became famous and popular. Thanks to the mall, another talent was discovered. This girl’s talent would not have been discovered if she had not accidentally started showing interest in the piano on the street and had not met the famous maestro. Thanks to him, the girl realized that she had an inner drive and a great talent for playing and perceiving music. Passers-by filmed her and posted her performances on social networks, thanks to which the girl gained great recognition and fame. All the websites and media talked about her, because she was just starting to master her work, and famous professionals voluntarily wanted to help her improve. Every note he played attracted many people. He played so heartily and with love that the passers-by rushing to work could not stop and listen to her.


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